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Re: Cubs for Parts - Business?
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Posted by Ludwig on June 20, 1999 at 10:37:12 from (
In Reply to: Cubs for Parts - Business? posted by Jeff Napier on June 20, 1999 at 09:23:58:
It might be fun if you already have a good, reliable source of income. Not to mention a truck and trailer, and somewhere to store this stuff, a BIG somewhere at that. I was thinkin that it might be fun too, but then I realized you'd need a full sized -empty- barn to start with. Then you'd need at least three of each kind of tractor you wanted to sell parts from. You'd need time, this isn't a weekend kind of job. If some feller wants a PTO shaft he wants it NOW, not when you get time on the weekend. You'd also need to either not have a spouse or have a very forgiving one since this will cut in on her time too. Did I mention you'll need a big truck and trailer to carry this crap with? Since you'll need to spend alot of time out getting more crap, can't never have too much crap to sell... Plus where are you getting the money to buy all this crap in the first place? Don't you got kids need braces? You want your kids to have bad teeth so you could sell your crap? Then you got to advertise. Then if you advertise online you gotta be prepared to ship yer crap. Which means you gotta get the UPS guy to stop at least three times a week to pick stuff up. Plus you gotta have boxes and baggies, and those blasted styrofoam peanuts. Plus you'll need a parts washer since you can't ship sopping dirty crap. Course you'll need shelves in your barn to put yer crap on since when some feller wants that PTO shaft he don't wanna wait for you to go take it off. Then you need to make a database of yer crap, and you gotta update it often, that guy ain't gonna wait while you go looking to see if you've got that PTO shaft. Then you gotta price your crap. You can't price too low or you don't make no money. You can't price too high 'cause then nobody gonna buy nothing from you. So you gotta research what everybody else is selling their crap for and price yours accordingly. Then you can't take no vacations 'cause think of the crap you could have been selling while you were gone. Whew! So what it comes down to is that having 3 cubs and an A to sell parts off of might be fun for a hobby, but converting that into a full out business would really be a pain in the a$$... I went a little overboard, in the hopes that I could make this an entertaining as well as informative post. Please don't be insulted by anything I wrote, I have a hard enough time keeping my own finances straight, never mind running a business such as this. If you think you've got what it takes even after my little tirade then be my guest to give it a shot. And while your on one of those crap finding trips like I described, keep an eye out for a Regular for parts, especially a carb and head. I could really use one. Just my $0.02
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