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Re: F-12 Starting problem
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Posted by Ed on September 12, 1999 at 15:08:46 from (
In Reply to: F-12 Starting problem posted by Jason on September 11, 1999 at 13:28:58:
Take a look at the carb needle and seat. If the it's not shuting off the fuel completly it will flood the engine. When you pull start the tractor you get things moving fast enough to clear it out. When you shut down the fuel in the line between the fuel tank and the carb will drain into the carb. Once you have it running it uses enough fuel that a slight leak in the seat doesn't affect the way it runs. Also if you restsrt it immediatly after shutting down the fuel doesn't have time to get trough and flood the engine. My blisters caused by this problem last weekend have almost healed and now the old girl starts with a couple turns. Maybe you have somthing else wrong but I thought I'd put in my two cents. Good luck-Ed
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