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Re: Do's, Don'ts and mistakes with tractors
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Posted by Almost standing still.. on October 02, 1999 at 02:37:56 from (
In Reply to: Do's, Don'ts and mistakes with tractors posted by Marvin on October 01, 1999 at 17:36:56:
Marvin: About 40 years ago I was almost standing still on a M with loader and very large rock inside it when just creepung foward in a turn and slightly rasing the load ..just a bit more so I could finish turning....the world started to turn over..I was too busy manuvering the tight turn and did NOT notice the rear wheels going over very rough bumps which helped tip the tractor slowly over on its just can't hapen going that slow..ya-right on.. center of gravity says it will and it did.. bent steering post and dented pride.. . That was a gutsy old M with M&W power pack and I only needed about 5 HP to flop over.. Harvey...
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