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Re: winter storage
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Posted by Russ on October 06, 1999 at 18:48:42 from (
In Reply to: winter storage posted by Doug S. on October 05, 1999 at 23:01:45:
We just parked ours for the winter (inside) and I put some outboard oil in gas and ran them awhile. Shut of gas on JD and ran it dry, can't do that on the IH because the valve is stuck and I don't want to break it off! We take batteries out and bring them home where I can charge them a couple of times over winter. I dont believe in storing them in a heated area because they will hold a charge longer in the cold. If tey are good bateries they wont freeze and if they are'nt it doesn't matter, right! We do have rain caps on exaust pipes even though they are kept inside. I think most damage to old tractors is caused by water getting down exaust pipe. I remember many people who would just shut them off and walk away (sometimes because they were stuck in the mud) and they started in the spring and worked all summer.
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