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Re: Mowers and Mowing...
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Posted by MrG: Some ideas... on October 12, 1999 at 10:35:20 from (
In Reply to: Mowers and Mowing... posted by Matt on October 12, 1999 at 09:37:28:
MzGadget mows 3-4 acres with our '89 model JD240 (14hp-48"deck). Cost me $2k. She won't take for it! Before that, I had an Ariens GT-14, hydraulic lift, hydrostat drive, PTO driven 46" deck, that I had bought for $900 with a front blade (Shoulda kept that one). sold it to the neighbor, he's still got it and won't sell it back! Local guy here buys and rebuilds and sells... broken, abandoned, used garden tractors. He is partial to JD's, in particular the 300 series with 17-18 hp, hydraulics, and hydrostats. He also likes the Kohler engines, doesn't think the Briggs is worth the trouble, and barely tolerates certain Techumseh engines. I've gotta agree with him, if you've got an obstacle course, by all means get a hydrostatic shift.
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