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Re: Farmall 400 Problems
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Posted by Aaron on October 19, 1999 at 13:53:14 from (
In Reply to: Farmall 400 Problems posted by Larry Boever on October 19, 1999 at 09:19:23:
If you have a new oil pump and you plan on running in very cold weather (such as below 20), then I'd run a straight 10. If all you are doing is pushing snow, you won't get the oil that hot, and you have a new pump, so you can be sure it'll get to the bearings. I'm not sure I'd dump the oil after a few minutes of running. If you are worried about getting the oil cleaned up, I'd start with a fresh filter and run the thing a few hours. Let it get good and warmed up, so the oil is flowing better. Then you can change the oil and filter and try again. I can never remember which oil is which, but without a complete cleanout or overhaul, I'd go with the oil that didn't clean things out much. Aaron
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