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Farmall 400 Problems
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Posted by Larry Boever on October 19, 1999 at 09:19:23 from (
I have a Farmall 400 that I suspect sat for serval years. The tractor runs rough (sounds likes it's missing) and smokes (white to black). All fluids were flushed after briefly running the tractor. The oil pump was replaced and the engine tuned up. The tune up was performed by a Case-IH dealer who is having difficulties addressing the apparent engine "missing" problem. I have the following questions as a consequence: 1. The fuel tank has "red rust" which by passes the sediment bowel and an in line filter. The "red rust" apparently plugs up the carborator. The only solution I can see at this point is to boil out the fuel tank and coat the inside surfaces (a local house can do this). Am I proceeding correctly? Are there alternate solutions for solving the "red rust" problem? 2. The electrics were updated to a 12 volt system. However, the points and coil burned out apparently due to not installing a resistor. The dealer later installed a resistor from the alternator to the coil. Is this proper? Should the resistor connent at the battery switch? 3. This final question relates to the engine oil. Why not use a multi-grade oil such as 10w-30w during winter operation (<32F)? This would surely be easier on the engine versus a 20W as recommended by the service manual. Also, what is the downside of using a detergent oil versus the non-detergent propertary oil that Case-IH sells? I was considering first using a flushing oil (run tractor for a few minutes and then dump oil and repeat until oil appears clean). I know this is a controversial question, but would appreciate the feedback as I plan to use the tractor to push snow in extreem low temperatures. I suspect the above questions have been hashed over several times. However, I am new to the topic and would appreciate any guidance. Thanks in adance. Larry
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