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Re: Re: Re: Farmall 400 Problems
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Posted by Ludwig on October 20, 1999 at 06:15:08 from (
In Reply to: Re: Re: Farmall 400 Problems posted by Chad WInk on October 19, 1999 at 18:44:49:
I agree that using semi-synthetic is of dubious value versus full synthetic, but as you've pointed out Mobil 1 is pretty expensive, nearly $5 a quart around here, regular oil is $1 or less, and the semi is about $2.50. I went with the semi versus regular and saw an improvement. To justify the cost synthetic would have to make a HUGE improvement over what I now have. Since I change the oil every 3000 miles religiously I've had many vehicles go well over 100,000 or 150,000 with no troubles at all on regular oil (usually the body is rusted out by then.) A viscosity extender is anything that extends the viscosity of the oil (of course) but it is, again, of dubious use in the winter time when it will tend to make your oil too thick. In older engines in the summer time I've found viscocity extenders like STP motor treatment to be useful if the engine burns a little oil, or if you drive long distances. The thickness is not a problem since its not real cold, and it actually helps by cutting down on the burning of oil somewhat. Viscocity extenders are usually cheap, like $2 or less, so compared to synthetics their summer use is pretty handy.
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