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Re: 340 that shoots flames out exhaust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted by Aaron on October 26, 1999 at 10:46:47 from (
In Reply to: 340 that shoots flames out exhaust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! posted by glenn on October 26, 1999 at 09:38:55:
Was this a tractor that sat a while befor eyou purchased it? It's possible that a bird nest or soemthign got in the muffler or manifold and is burning. Odd, but it could be. Another question. Does it do this under load, or all the time? We have several gas tractors and all of them will shoot flame when pulling a big load. Our 656 hydro will make the pipe glow with a big enough flame to drive with in the dark. Got a Case 830 diesel that does the same thing. Might be normal. Aaron
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