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Farmall C clutch replacement
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Posted by John S on October 29, 1999 at 07:07:30 from (
I am replacing the clutch and pressure bearing on my C. The pressure bearing fits onto the front of a greasable sleeve that slides forward on the driveshaft as the clutch pedal is depressed. My question is: Does the yoke that pushes this assembly forward (as the pedal is depressed)straddle the sleeve (just behind the grease zirc) or go completely behind the sleeve? Question 2: The serial number on the tool box plate and on the engine read "FC". I've noticed every C photo I've seen shows the coil and distributor mounted horizontal on the right side of the engine. However, the coil and distributor on my C sit verticle and when I've tried to get parts, they don't match. Anybody know why this is?
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