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Re: Farmall Regular oil leak
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Posted by Regularman on November 05, 1999 at 11:51:01 from (
In Reply to: Farmall Regular oil leak posted by John F. on November 04, 1999 at 14:35:02:
Your problem is a common one with the Regulars, F-20s and F-30s. I've fixed it many times. the oil is leaking high on the right side between the bell housing and the block, right? The oil is leaking out around the rear camshaft bushing. Orginally the gasket between the bell housing and the block sealed this from leaking. The best fix is to pull the flywheel and bell housing off replace the gasket between the two and install a thick o-ring in against the rear camshaft bushing. Be sure to get one thick enough to be compressed when to bolt the bell housing back on. A lot of work but you'll never have the leak again. By the way, it's not the rear seal leaking but replace the felt while your there. Hope this helps.
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