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Re: International 3288
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Posted by Milan H. Dilworth on December 21, 1998 at 23:32:10:
In Reply to: International 3288 posted by Randy Pendleton on December 21, 1998 at 19:15:02:
Randy, I've overhauled many TA's. It sounds to me like the one-way bearing which should lock up, is going bad. Many times the cage for the 1-way bearing will break and not hold the lock pieces in place. Many TA's will still hold under light or heavy loads, but they will not hold on a number of TA shifts. You can test to be certain the TA bearing is the problem. Quickly shift to the higher side of the TA when you first feel the tractor loosing speed or coming to a halt. Be moderate on the RPM's 'cause if the 1-way bearing is the culprit, when you shift the TA up or into DD it will most likely want to jump out from under you as the DD clutch engages and your master clutch is engaged. NOTE: I always make these tests on loose gravel or dirt ground to be certain not to damage anything. You can also pull the plug below the TA unit and catch the first bit of oil in a clean bucket to be certain of bearing failure. You'll get a number of fine metal bits with 1-way problems.
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