In a gasoline engine, under ideal combustion conditions, the exhaust product would be CO2 and water. However, we seldom notice water in the exhaust stream in a warm engine because once the exhaust system heats up, the water becomes a vapor...yes, that would be steam. Auto mufflers used to have "weep holes" to let water that accumulated in mufflers escape...and when these mufflers rusted out, usually it was in the vicinity of a weep hole [not always, but usually].
When the exhaust system--short as it is on a Farmall with an upright exhaust--is cold, the water component of the exhaust condenses...and you get water droplets falling out of the exhaust stream. Also, when the engine is cold, it's more likely it will take some amount of choke to start the engine. With the choke partially closed, you're introducing more fuel with the same volume of air. Hence, you get slightly less complete combustion, and carbon particles ["unburned hydrocarbons"] are also in the exhaust stream. So when that cold water component condenses out of the exhaust stream, it acts as a "scrubber" and takes some of the otherwise unnoticed carbon particles with it when it falls from the exhaust stream.
Thus, your "water drops" and "black spots" occur more commonly when the exhaust system is cold. And since alcohol is hygroscopic [attracts water], it's only logical that gasolines blended with alcohol will have more water in the exhaust.
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Today's Featured Article - Identifying Tractor Noises - by Curtis Von Fange. Listening To Your Tractor : Part 3 - In this series we are continuing to learn the fine art of listening to our tractor in hopes of keeping it running longer. One particularly important facet is to hear and identify the particular noises that our
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