For Jim Becker: Can you point to IHC publications that used "Regular" (with the capital R, which turns "regular" meaning "ordinary" into a name)? If so, would you give the title and copy out the line of text that uses "Regular" as a name?
I have one old IHC publication that does use "regular" (small R), I think in comparing it to an F-20, but in a fair number of other publications I have, I have seen "original Farmall" or "the Farmall," but not "Regular Farmall."
I am not trying to start an argument, I hope you understand. In fact, I would like to see if this is really true, mostly because modern writers of IHC history always say things like "IHC began calling it the Regular Farmall..." I have the impression that a lot of writers of these books depend on the "truth" as published by previous writers. If the previous writers are passing on errors, then the errors become truth. This is small potatoes in a world where there are far more important things happening, I realize, but it's kinda nice to get away from that stuff for a while and go back to the days we remember fondly (I guess because we sometimes block out the stuff that wasn't so nice back in those days). I can't explain this to anyone in my family who didn't grow up on a farm, but I'll bet a lot of you fellows who read these columns can get into this.
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