The starter relay on the starter motor is a small can with 3 or 4 terminals. There are two big, and one or two small studs. The small stud is close to one of the big studs. This might have an S stamped near it. This small terminal is the one that should be connected to the starter button. The big terminal close to it should be connected to the battery, and have a second #10 wire connected to it as well. The other big stud should be connected to the starter motor terminal.
If there are 4 terminals there will be one labeled S and another labeled I. If so ignore the I terminal, and make sure nothing is attached to it.
To begin, make sure the wires are as described.
Remove the S terminal wire.
Now (with it in Neutral, and the brake set, remove the ground strap from the tractor frame and put it so it cannot touch the frame (in a rubber glove is cool). (this prevents dangerous potential explosions of the battery) Now reattach the battery cables on the battery terminals. With the S terminal off, there should be no starting the tractor at all, but it should not spin. Touch the battery ground cable (from the glove) to the frame briefly. There should be no sparks and no starter action. this is good. If it does spin, you need a new relay. If it does not, next reattach the battery ground (clean and shiny). You will next touch the S terminal with a jumper from the big terminal where the bat cable attaches (a screw driver will do, they are an inch apart), the starter should spin. If it does, release the jump, (it should stop trying to start!. Next try the wire that was on the S terminal by touching it to the S terminal. If nothing happens GOOD. If it spins, the push button or wiring to it are wrong/bad. The push button should be momentary contact. If it is shorted inside, it will stay cranking (not good) replace the switch. The supply to the switch comes from the load side of the amp gauge. Let us know what is happening from this description and test sequence. Jim
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Today's Featured Article - The Cletrac General GG and the BF Avery A - A Bit of History - by Mike Ballash. This article is a summary of what I have gathered up from various sources on the Gletrac General GG and the B. F. Avery model A tractors. I am quite sure that most of it is accurate. The General GG was made by the Cleveland Tractor Company (Cletrac) of Cleveland, Ohio. Originally the company was called the Cleveland Motor Plow Company which began in 1912, then the Cleveland Tractor Company (1917) and finally Cletrac.
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