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Re: IH tractor handcranks ??
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Posted by Harold H on January 09, 1999 at 08:07:25:
In Reply to: IH tractor handcranks ?? posted by MJD on January 09, 1999 at 05:48:54:
MJD, I agree you should look at the mentioned discussion on hand cranking. To answer another part of your question, the tractor you are atempting to hand crank should be equipped with a magneto. As to what IH tractors were available to hand crank, the magneto was still available through the 450's but very few were sold that way. Early magneto equipped tractors were furnished with a hand crank. If you ordered a later tractor with a magneto I think you would probably have had to buy a crank extra but I am not sure. As to how many different cranks were made, I have no idea. All IH cranks I have seen were painted red. If you find a crank try it and see if it will fit whatever tractor you have. As to transporting a crank, on some tractors it remained in place, some tractors had clips at various locations to hold it in storage, and sometimes you put it wherever was convient. In the real world, wether your tractor is equipped with a magneto or not, if it has a self starter, keep a good battery on it and don't even think about trying to hand crank it. Sooner or later it may bite you. Harold H
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