Sorry - but I HAVE to ask why on earth you'd do that?
Sure you CAN crank an engine hard and hope to avoid kick back - but why not simply time it and tune it properly instead???
All I have to do is lightly lift on the crank a quarter turn and they'll fire right up, and fire right up safely.
Sure, it might take a few extra tries if it's real cold or hasn't run in a while, but - that's hardly a problem.
That's WHY they have a separate starting advance setting in the mag. To make starting easier and safer.
Of course, my hand crank experience is all with magneto engines, so I guess distributors are a different animal, I can't say.
But if you're talking a magneto engine, I see absolutely no advantage to your method, and PLENTY of added risk and effort.
It's not like you're getting any performance gain as the engine will quickly go to its proper run advance once it starts.
Not judging - just curious. Perhaps I'm missing something?
If it works for you, have at it - but for others with less experience reading this - I'd say that's a dangerous game to play, for no benefit that I can think of.
To those who haven't felt a full kickback - picture trying to stop a baseball bat swung at full force. Then consider that even the pros swing with only a fraction of the power of a small tractor engine.
That crank is going where it wants to go - and fast - whether you're in the way or not. And if you're in the way, you better pray the next cylinder doesn't fire.
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Today's Featured Article - Sunday Drives - by Cowboy. Summer was finally upon us here in Northern Maine. We have two types of industry up here, one being "Forestry" (Wood Products) and the other "Farming" (Potatoes). There is no shortage of farm tractors and equipment around here! I have been restoring old Farm Tractors for the past 6 years, and have found it easier and less expensive to hit all the auctions and purchase whole tractors for parts needed. My wife who works at a local school, and only has weekends and summers off, while on t
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