Re: OK, so I'm a moron....HELP please!
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Posted by Sean on June 04, 1998 at 14:21:58:
In Reply to: OK, so I'm a moron....HELP please! posted by Ed on June 04, 1998 at 13:19:24:
Ed, First off.. ALWAYS SHUT THE GAS OFF!!! (I had a 8n Ford that did that) As for the wt of the oil, either find theIT manual or call your local dealer where you find your parts. As for any damage... I highly doubt that you did any damage in fact you probably gave the engin a good cleaning ( now you will probably have alot of little oil leaks that were plugged by the crud but I wouldn't worry about them unless they got worse.. Oh and another thing.. Keep a close eye on you oil level after you change it, you may notice a rise in oil consumption for a while... (mine did) As for why it did it? simple... stuck float in the carb.--could be dirty,corroded needle valve or a bad float, but my bet is on its either dirty or wore out-- You may want to think about rebuilding the carb sometime.
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