Re: Re: Negative AMP reading
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Posted by Robert Marzi on June 18, 1998 at 10:24:09:
In Reply to: Re: Negative AMP reading posted by Jim Becker on June 18, 1998 at 08:50:18:
Hi Jim, Thanks for the response. It is indeed a 6 volt positive ground system and the battery is in correct. We also polarized the generator yesterday just to make sure - it did not make a difference. I would like to take some direct readings off of the generator - but no one around here has any idea how to take those readings. Does anyone out there have instructions for taking voltage and AMP readings from a generator!! Thanks Bob : Did you put the battery in backwards? It is probably a positive ground : system. Make sure the battry is right way to (whatever that is, Ferguson : guys?), polarize the generator, then try it.
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