Ford 860 Looses Prime
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Posted by Chuck Patterson on July 15, 1998 at 17:35:27:
I have a Ford 860. It has a new hydraulic pump and things worked fine for a few weeks. Now whenever I start up to work, I have to loosen the pipe plug and release air from the system. The hydraulics will work fairly well until next start up. Some times while running, if I lower the quadrant lever all the way down, the hydraulics won't pick up when the lever is pulled up. I have been told by tractor repair people here..1) the pump needs rebuilt 2)I'm using universal hydraulic/transmission oil and need to use an 80W/90 gear lube instead. 3) I have a cracked manifold 4)I have a baad seal in the new pump. I did notice that the "new" manifold has a weld spot near a bolt hole on on the flange on the pump side. It does not leak fluid that I have seen. HELP
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