Re: 1944 FarmAll
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Posted by Andy on September 02, 1998 at 04:21:49:
In Reply to: 1944 FarmAll posted by ANdy Grinthal on September 01, 1998 at 10:08:54:
: Looking for some advice here....I am rebuilding the carb on my "M". I purchased a rebuild kit from CT Farm & Country and all seems ok except for the bushing for the throtle valve shaft. I had to rip up the old bushing to remove it - however as I look in the service manual I see there is supposed to be two holes in the body that lead to the shaft - yet the bushing I got with my rebuild kit has no hole!..I can't say wether the old one had holes in it since I had to rip it up to get it out. so my questions I Drill holes in my new bushing? Any info out there on just what and how the economizer slot in the throtle valve shaft should be set up? : Also (seperate question) on the bottom of the carb bowl there is supposed to be a drain for excess gas discharged from the manifold...I believe mine is clogged (it's supposed to have some fileter in it to keep dust from entering...) I didn' get anything for that in rebuild kit...DO youdrill a fine hole to unclog it? : Appreciate any comments anyone can give..WOuld like to get this thing running for the Fall...Andy Forget this message.....all seems ok...It's a Brass fitting and it has the correct holes!
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