Re: restoring/repainting a older loader/backoe..need advise
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Posted by steve on September 18, 1998 at 12:41:27:
In Reply to: restoring/repainting a older loader/backoe..need advise posted by dave campbell on September 18, 1998 at 03:15:42:
When painting, prep work is everything. To keep a nice paint job sticking to the tractor, you will have to meticulously degrease everything. The payoff will be a sharp paint job that doesn't peel. Sandblast anything you safely can, but I'd be careful around hydraulic parts with a sandblaster. Alas, the prep work for an old grease/diesel-covered tractor is extra hard work, compared to a car, or something that doesn't see as much gunk stuck to it. Steve
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