Re: exhaust smoke from Case diesel
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Posted by RMD on October 01, 1998 at 16:49:56:
In Reply to: exhaust smoke from Case diesel posted by jim maloney on October 01, 1998 at 09:25:13:
I posted the general comment about white smoke and water/coolant because that's what I was told was the most common cause in this forum and by mechanics elsewhere when I asked about the smoke from my 1963 Ford 2000 4-cyl. diesel. Nobody offered any other explainations then. In my case the smoke is heaviest when first started after siting a while. The longer and more frequently the machine is worked, the less smoke, although the exhaust always has a particulary nasty odor to it. The pump been professionally rebuilt and calibrated twice, all the injectors replaced and the fuel system gone over in the dealer's shop and the condition of the cylinders, pistion, and head is good with good compression. The dealer says the pump is correctly timed, although I've seen conflicting specs for this model. The only explaination I come up with is that condensation builds up between uses and it takes a while to work out. Slow seepage of coolant into the cylinders between uses is another explanation, but one I don't want to think about. The plugged return line and low compression ideas don't seem to apply.
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