additional info - old case backhoe
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Posted by Robert Edmiston on October 05, 1998 at 06:54:15:
Thanks goes to those you got back with me previously. Here is some additional info. Any help in identifying the tractor or characteristics with the tractor will be appreciated. The tractor loader/backhoe: -is a Case -weighs 9,000 pounds -has a 4 cylinder gas engine -engine block number is A37208 -has a 4 speed, high/low and shuttle shift -trany block number is G-1096 -the grill is metal with grid of 3/4" holes -the headlights do not have a wire covering -14.9X24 rear tires, 7.50X16 front tires -a single power steering slave cylinder, located in front of the axle behind a thick skid plate -loader/backhoe is a model 31 No model or serial numbers can be found on the tractor. What model and year might the tractor be? What would its value be in running, but rough condition?
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