Re: Massey-Harris Model 20 Spark Plug Fouling
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Posted by Tinker on October 25, 1998 at 00:33:44:
In Reply to: Massey-Harris Model 20 Spark Plug Fouling posted by Brian on October 24, 1998 at 18:55:12:
What Randy is trying to think of is anti-fouling adapters. Any parts house should carry them. If the engine is fouling plugs badly, the adapters will help, but the plugs will still foul, just slower. I have used them in worn out lawn mowers just to get that last bit of use out of them. Are the plugs fouling from oil or too rich a fuel/air mixture. An air cleaner that needs cleaning or replacing will cause the engine to run too rich and fould plugs quickly. Same for a carb that is incorrectly adjusted or has a sticking choke. Check the simple stuff first before deciding that the engine needs an overhaul.
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