Brand New Cub Cadet Lawn Tractor (3205) - REALLY BAD SERVICE
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Posted by Jay Sharman on November 03, 1998 at 16:57:02:
I have a Cub Cadet 3205 that I bought just 2 1/2 months ago and I need help. I got it from a dealer in Perry, New York and can not get any service on it. Not to mention I have only recieved half of the package that I bought. I bought the Cub Cadet 3205 with a 48" mower deck on it. My problem is that it needs a tune up already, I have got no brakes, the PTO takes about 3 minutes to engage and I need to do a oil change and can not do so without the piece that you insert into the engine to drain the oil without making a mess. The other problem is that I also bought at the same time the 4 suitcase weights and bracket, wheel chains, 54" plow blade and the hydraulic angle attachment. I bought all of this at the same time that I bought the tractor in the begining of August 1998 and I still do not have any of these attachments. I guess my guestion to you is what should I do and can you give me a phone number for the manufactor to call. As a business owner I am quite upset to think that a buisness would take almost $8000.00 from someone and give them such poor service. I have contacted the dealership several time over the past month and I don't even get a call back. I have to keep calling them.
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