John Deere M Rear Wheels
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Posted by jack Cremeans on November 22, 1998 at 10:34:35:
I have a 1947 John Deere M sn 12709 in excellent condition except that the left wheel rim has badly rusted where a prevous owner let a leaky tube full of clorine/water mixture damage the rim. I am trying to replace that rim (JD no longer sells them) with a new 10 x 24 rim with "dogs" welded in place. Any suggestions? I was astonished to discover that the inner cast hubs of the two wheels are different, have different casting numbers (right M1549T, left M621) and different spindels and nuts (Right 1 1/4" spindle, 1 7/8" nut.) Can anyone tell me why the two wheels are so different. I have also noticed that the spindel on the right wheel comes out of the casing on the interior about 4 inches, whereas on the left wheen it seems to be capped with a cup like hub on the interior. el viejo
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