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Re: Converting a Farmall M to 12 volts
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Posted by John T on April 04, 1999 at 18:46:54:
In Reply to: Converting a Farmall M to 12 volts posted by Randy Halseth on April 04, 1999 at 09:20:11:
Randy, to just change to 12 volts, change battery, change all lights to 12 volts, and add a ballast resistor in series with the coils high side to reduce the voltage across the coil to the 6 volts it was designed for. NOW, if you are positive ground now but want to use that 12 volt Delco alternator you mentioned, you need to convert over to negative ground also. To do that, wire the new battery negative ground, reverse any ammeter leads, reverse the coil leads so - now goes to the distributor points and + to the ballast resistor which goes to the ignition switch. The starter will do fine on 12 volts unless you crank it for an very very long time under a heavy load. The switch wiring if you had one of those two rate generator charge systems may be a little tricky, but basically the output wire from the alternator goes to the ammeters low side opposite the side which gets to the battery positive. I assume you already know how to wire the alternator R and F terminals if it has one??? John Nordhoff in Indiana aka Old John T
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