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Re: Transmission Fluid 1959 Fordson Dexta
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Posted by GEO on April 14, 1999 at 15:07:18:
In Reply to: Transmission Fluid 1959 Fordson Dexta posted by JoeD on April 13, 1999 at 20:47:31:
Anytime the oil is milky, it should be changed. Not just the transmission but also the hydraulics and rear end. All the older fords, fergusons and massey ferguson should have the oil changed at least once a year if the tractor sets outside most of the time. The best time is in the fall before a freeze. You don't always have to change the fluid but at least during the fall of the year, after tractor has set for several days. Without moving or starting tractor, crack all the drain plugs under the trans and hyd. and let any water that has accumulated out of the tractor before it freezes and possibly crash a hydraulic pump or worst. GEO
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