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Water in the oil
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Posted by Scott F on May 05, 1999 at 13:49:03:
I know the water in the oil question has been on here before. Possable causes include head gasket, cracketed block, crack in head. Is there a seal for the piston sleeves that could cause this? How about water pumps? I got a tractor about a year ago. I was in process of getting it running for the fist time in more than 12 years. The manifold was to bad of shape to use so I had to order a new one. It took three months. When I got new manifold I went back to work on it. I found anti-freeze in the oil. I could not find the source of the leak so I replaced the oil and got the tractor running. It ran great. I used it all summer and watched carefully for water in the oil. No sign of water in the oil for 10 months. Recently the tractor has sat with out use for a while and guess what. Water in the oil. I have not tried any water stop leak products yet. I am not sure what to do. I don't mind changing the oil and going again all summer if the water does not return but it bugs me. Does any one have anything to offer?
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