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Re: what do I need for this job?
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Posted by Gerald on July 09, 1999 at 14:53:44 from (
In Reply to: what do I need for this job? posted by Gerald Matlock on July 08, 1999 at 22:36:14:
I know you WANT a tractor but you could save most of this price by hiring a local trucker to haul good gravel (something like 3" road stone crushed limestone thats a mix of stuff that packs and so doesn't wash or disappear into the mud) and to spread it as he dumps. Then you can adjust his spreading with a hand rake and pack the drive by driving over it. You can't move 80 tons of free chert with a small tractor and loader in any reasonable time period. Even with a tractor it would pay you to buy good gravel and pay for it to be spread... Been there tried that... Not again... Gerald
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