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Re: Info on removing fluid from tires.
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Posted by Tommy D. on August 30, 1999 at 10:38:47 from (
In Reply to: Info on removing fluid from tires. posted by Paul Stanley on August 28, 1999 at 11:22:36:
I'm probably going to get raked over the coals for this also, but have you considered filling your tires with anti-freeze & water? It is not as heavy, but it is also not nearly as corrosive. I did this on my Ford. I live in the south (Ga.), so I only put 3 gals. of anti-freeze per tire. If you live farther north, I would increase this. As always, animals love anti-freeze and it is deadly to them, so be careful if you drain this back out. BTW, heavy is right! I laid the first tire down in the driveway behind my pickup and filled it. I couldn't lift it, scoot it, drag it, or move it at all! And it was behind my pickup, so I couldn't go anywhere. Walked over & got my 2 neighbors and his Ford 2000, lift pole, and a very large pry bar. Didn't (and won't) make that mistake again!
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