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Belly Mower vs. Sickle Bar
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Posted by D.J. in N.H. on March 26, 1999 at 17:53:10:
I have a Farmall A with a 60" Woods belly mower that I use to mow a small apple orchard with. I only mow the orchard twice a year so the grass / hay is quite tall which seems to be a bit much for this tractor, especially if it's a hot day. The second problem is that you take quite a beating if you try to mow close to the trees. I was wandering if a sickle bar mower would be a better application for this type of mowing. I have never used one so I don't have a clue on how well they work The belly mower does do a good job of mulching especially if you make two passes. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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