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Re: H Farmall advice need some
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Posted by RK Smith on April 11, 1999 at 17:51:47:
In Reply to: H Farmall advice need some posted by John Walker on April 11, 1999 at 15:08:10:
Is it overheating - after an hour of work, if it gets too hot, it will act like you say. See if it gets above about 200-220 degrees. You may have a radiator or waterpump problem. The starting sounds like something else. I don't want to think the dealer messed up on any of the things you mentioned, but a bad coil is very sneaky, and I would try to substitute another to see if it cures the problem. Ask the dealer to recheck the carb settings as part of the completion of the rebuild. That carb is stoneage simple and I don't think that it is the problem. You could have a valve timing problem or a burned valve. Can you check compression? Should be plus or minus no more than about 15% from highest to lowest. If low anywhere, squirt about a tablespoon full of oil in that cylinder and recheck compression. Should not come up if burned valve. If it comes up, worn rings. You could have a timing advance problem. Put a timing light on first cylinder, and set the pointer against the notch at low idle,(first mark if you have two on the crankshaft pulley), which is TDC, top-dead-center. Then speed the engine full throttle and observe about 25-30 degrees of "advance." If no advance, you may need to rebuild the distributor advance system. These are starts. Maybe one will uncover your problem. Good luck. RKS
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