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12V conversion?? beware of starter drive
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Posted by RKS on May 16, 1999 at 04:30:49:
Have you converted or will you convert your 6V to a 12V system? If so, the old starter was or will be retained, and the 12V battery should really zing it, causing more heat and torque with each use than before, and really more than it was originally designed for. And, because of this, you could save yourself some grief in the future if you will carefully remove the starter and inspect the ring gear and starter drive gears. It is easy to remove, only one way to put it back in and you really can't do it wrong as long as you don't strip the two mounting bolts, or damage the "brushes." If the starter drive gears are badly worn or broken, a new drive should be about $50 or less and takes only a few minutes to replace. It could prevent a lock-up of the starter drive and ring gear, which happened to me on my H after conversion. If you are pretty good at reassembly just like the reverse of disassembly, then replacing the starter drive is about a 15 min job. RKS
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