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Re: Farmall 300 shifting problem
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Posted by Kent Morris on June 11, 1999 at 07:04:46 from (
In Reply to: Farmall 300 shifting problem posted by Hickory Hills Farms on June 11, 1999 at 05:48:18:
Hickory Hill, Although you don't mention it I assume you have a Torque Amplifier (TA). If the shift lever is hard to shift out of gear with the TA engaged, then the clutch linkage needs to be adjusted. With the TA engaged, pressing the clutch pedal must release both the main clutch and the TA clutch. If the linkage is not properly adjusted, the clutch pedal may not fully release the TA clutch. These will hold tension on the transmission gears causing it to be hard to shift. This may be a contributing factor to your problem. After years of wear and possibly sprung shifting forks, you may not get it completely out of one gear and get it into another at the same time. If it is hard to shift try to adjust the clutch linkage and give it a try. If not follow Curt's Advice. Good Luck, Kent
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