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400 Diesel question for Ronnie
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Posted by Todd on June 13, 1999 at 09:58:27 from (
If the pump is taking on fuel, is it an easy fix like a gasket or o-ring? The man who has it got it on a trade and hasnt tried to start it and doesnt know how, I dont know exactly being I've never been around one and dont have a book. What is the correct method to start it, it looks like it is very complete on both sides of the engine. We didnt know which position the lever should be in that converts it from gas to fuel, are there any valves to open or other gadgets to fool with when starting? Should I expect the power steering to work well, would you compare it to a two cylinder Deere power steering or a 4020 Deere steering? Thanks for bearing with me, Im pretty "Green" to these red tractors!
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