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Re: Noisey power steering-Int. 350 Utility
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Posted by big fred on August 07, 1999 at 15:32:02 from (
In Reply to: Noisey power steering-Int. 350 Utility posted by Greg on August 07, 1999 at 05:13:24:
As far as the jumpy tachometer is concerned, disconnect the tach drive cable at the distributor and run it with a drill, if it is still jumpy, you probably have rust in your cable. You can replace it, probably around 30 bucks, or extend the life by taking it off, cleaning it up (run kerosene through the length of the cable) and then either grease it if you can remove the cable from the sheath or run a bunch of 90W oil into it and reinstalling. You might get several hundred additional hours out of it. If it isn't jumpy when running it with a drill, remove the gear at the distributor and replace it. Note that it needs to have the backlash adjusted when you put it back together. The gear runs in an eccentric carrier, and the "washer with a bunch of cutouts along the edge" feature is used for setting the backlash. Pretty much self-evident once you realize that there is adjustment there.
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