Tractors -vs- mowers
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Posted by Richard on August 26, 1998 at 06:28:59:
I don't know much about tractors. I read come comentary here once regarding for example a Craftsman riding mower. The comentary was pretty bashing on it one reference was that instead of using bearings (ala tractors) it used bushings. The thrust of my questions is how does a John Deere riding mower stack up? I say a "riding mower" since I was only looking through dealers window at 9:30 pm and saw some units that didn't have any 3 point on the back, which lead me to conclude (without verifying I must add) that these were just dedicated riding mowers. Would these type units fall withing the catagory of the Craftsman riding mower, or are these built "properly" and can be expected to live for many years? Again, I don't know much about these and have an interest in ultimately getting a small little workhorse to use around a 2 acre tract of (currently wooded) land.
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