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Re: John T
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Posted by JW on February 12, 1999 at 10:38:35:
In Reply to: John T posted by Al on February 11, 1999 at 21:37:25:
Al, I am not an engineer, but I may have some info to help you understand this. When you look at a tractor sitting still, the center of gravity (CoG) of the tractor will be just ahead of the rear wheels, and about in the center of the transmission housing. But, when you start to pull, weight transfer of the tractor causes the CoG to actually be lower on the tractor. Hence, the hitching point of the drawbar coming from below the center and ahead of the rear axles. This is the point where the max pull will be achieved if the tractor is weighted right. Now with pullers, they get their front to back weight set so as to get the floating front end like you and John T are talking about, then to get additional weight on the tractor, primarily to make a heavier class, they will add more weight to the center of ther tractor so the weight is right over the CoG so as not to change the location of the CoG. This theoretically will allow for maximum pull with the heavier weight. But this is purely from a non-engineers standpoint.
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