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Even more Farmall M questions
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Posted by Gregory Travis on March 31, 1999 at 08:50:34:
Last summer I bought what is rumored to be a 1947 Farmall "M" for bushhogging work. I say "rumored" because the dataplate is gone. One of the castings does have "47" in a date field however. The tractor is in good shape - runs well, etc. However, it's pretty plain-jane in that it has no working hydraulics and no three-point hitch (just a drawbar). It does have a (non-live) PTO which is what I use to drive the bushhog. It appears that, at some time, someone tried (possibly succeeded) in adding live hydraulics to it. The magneto has been replaced by a distributor (which points UP, not sideways) and after the distributor is what appears to be a capped-off hydraulic pump (i.e. running off the same drive as the distributor) Q1: Has anyone see that kind of a setup before? I can't see it in any of my references. Q2: It's time to plant a garden. I would like to use the M for some light plowing and disking work. Given that it only has a drawbar and no hydraulics, what's a good source for a plow/disk implement? What should I look for? Q3: It needs some new tires. The current ones are worn and filled with liquid. I assume the least painful course of action is to call the local on-farm tire dealer and have them come out and replace the tires. Agree? Q5: I've been looking at the manual catalog on I must admit that I am completely baffled as to what to buy manual-wise. I have a reproduction repair manual but would like to get my hands on an operators and a parts manual. Thanks, greg
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