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farmall 450 gas won't start
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Posted by mark s. on May 19, 1999 at 19:04:35:
help! I have a 450 farmall that was left out in heavy rain for about a week. after that it wouldn't start. Inspection of cap and wires showed wear and corrision so I replaced cap and wires. due to ambiguity in the manual (and my inexperience) I initially put the plug wires in incorrect order. This became evident quickly as the tractor blew oil out the intake. Eventually I got it all straighted out (I'm pretty sure) but all I can get is an occasional backfire. per manual cylinder #1 is at front of engine. Wires are per manual (and block) firing order 1-3-4-2 clockwise from distributor node marked #1. I checked timing mark and position of rotor and it matches dist. cap node marked #1. rotor does travel clockwise when engine is cranked. There is spark. tractor has fuel. It won't even fire except for occasional backfire with starting fluid sprayed into carb intake. NO water is evident in the glass below the tank. Suggestions? It acts like it's out of time but I haven't done anything I know of to change timing; distributor has never been moved. Suggestions? any help would be greatly appreciated. Tractor ran fine and started easily before rain.
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