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Re: Oil filter
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Posted by The Red on June 01, 1999 at 10:32:47 from (
In Reply to: Oil filter posted by Levy on June 01, 1999 at 10:02:15:
Levy, NAPA carries them. Number is 1172 FIL. If I were you I would remove that oil pan and get it cleaned out. With a destroyed oil filter, it doesn't sound very good in there. I think NAPA carries the oil pan gasket but not sure. Make sure to have permatex red oxide gasket maker on hand and run a bead on the oil pan itself and then on the top of the gasket. After you bolt the pan back on, let that stuff set up for 2 days. While you have the pan off, take the screen assembly off the oil pump and THOROUGHLY clean it. My screen on the 51 H was almost totally plugged. I suspect that poor old tractor had terrible oil pressure for a bunch of years. I left my email if you have any further questions.
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