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Posted by Tim on November 02, 1998 at 04:45:55:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: 9N NOT CHARGING posted by Jim WI on October 28, 1998 at 11:03:12:
Alternator has the one post that wire connects to and the 2 terminal plug-in connection. I cleaned the battery connections and induced the field by touching wire from positive battery post to a spade in the 2 terminal connections. I also removed the the white ceramic cube that the hot wire from amp meter connects too. The back side of this thing is hollow with a rod, that looks like it has threads on it , that run between the terminals. Is this a resistor? regulator? capacitor? Started tractor and check voltage. Voltage reading was 12.5v at the alternator and the battery. Before it was 11.5v. Amp meter reading was 6 amps but the needle was vibrating. I let it run and when i came back in about 10 minutes it had died and wouldn't restart. I checked the spark on a couple plugs and didn't see or hear a spark when cranking the motor and grounding the plug. I have voltage at the post on the coil. Did I hurt the coil or the points condenser by removing the white ceramic thnig?
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