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Re: Continental Y-112 Help
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Posted by Gerald J. on July 10, 1999 at 16:23:58 from (
In Reply to: Continental Y-112 Help posted by Pat McMullen on July 10, 1999 at 14:10:48:
If its like my Continentals, the timing marks are on the flywheel. Look for a cover plate. Point gap changes will affect timing. I don't remember what it should be for my Y-91, probably .016 or .020. My JD-4020 is .016 in a Delco distrubutor. You'll probably have the best luck finding an rebuild kit for the carburetor if you can find a tractor or farm implement that used it. But you may have to take the remains of the gasket to NAPA and try to match it with their book. Another possiblity by carburetor number is CT. Or Onan. Onan used some Continental engines in generator sets. I'd guess the MS TVS13 used on an AC G would be close. You may have to time it by feel. Advance the timing until it pings on the gas you want to use while you are accelerating under load, then back if off a bit until it doesn't ping under the same treatment. But it may so low a compression ratio that it won't ping, then you just have to set the advance for best acceleration. Gerald J.
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