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8N carb- tractor operation
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Posted by Kelly Ott on November 02, 1999 at 07:30:53 from (
I have had an 8N for 9 years.... very happy overall, cheap to own and operate. When trouble arises, just tune it up and life goes on. While not an 8N expert, no trouble doing most work- just nothing too specialized, please. Lately, operation is inconsistent- fuel seems fine, fuel delivery fine, and tune-up done. But it still runs rough- will start and begin operation as normal, but will die while still warming up, or will die once underway. Will restart with choke, might go okay, might still buck and cough. Have double checked power and idle adjustment settings, have read the manual and checked the double checks. Here's the question- Do I just toss the original carb and buy the Zenith replacement? Any opinion about solving all my problems with this approach? This vehicle is not a Ferrari, for goodness sakes, it's supposed to be easy to deal with, but I certainly may be missing something basic. The next choice is to take it to the dealer and say, "Here- fix this!" But that seems like taking the expensive, time-consuming way out. I have read old chat room entries about carbs, governors, etc...... would appreciate any new input.
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