Great Questions. The Aircleaner bottom has nothing but engine oil in it when clean. The dirt/sludge is just an indication of the need for service on it. The sticker would say clean and refill daily in dusty conditions. I've seen 1/4 inch deposited in one day (I wore a probably ineffective bandanna to keep dirt out of my lungs). Starting on gas is as you described lever all the way. The Diesel governor control can be off while on gas, but must be moved into the mid RPM range as it is switched to Diesel or there will not be injection. I would not have it start at wideopen position, but just above the speed it runs on gasoline for starting. There is no throttling position for gasoline. The carb has no throttle. Usually it takes a modest choking to get it rich enough to start. (some black carbony gasoline smoke as it fires up) then wait until 1 minute goes by in the summer, and 2.5 to 3 min. in the colder winter befor switching. If it has been running and is still warm, no time is needed befor switching. When shutting down there are two differing opinions. If it has run for more than five minutes total, I will let it idle for two minutes on diesel as low as it will still run. Then close the diesel alltogether stopping it. If it has been worked and is nice and toasty (it needs this about once a week) it should be idled for more like 4 minutes, then stopped. The other opinion is to shut down the diesel and let it run on gasoline while it cools off. then shut it off (useing the same times as above), then switching back to diesel position of the switch lever to close the third valves, when stopped. A diesel engine runs cold when ideling and the temp will be reduced easily on diesel. My philosophy, and I have had no issues with MD and TD 18 operation for hundreds of hours. THe issue is head temperature normalization to prevent cracks from forming. Shutting them off stone dead from hot operation is a No No. I hope this helps, they are a great and powerful unique engine type. ENJOY, JimN
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Today's Featured Article - The Cletrac General GG and the BF Avery A - A Bit of History - by Mike Ballash. This article is a summary of what I have gathered up from various sources on the Gletrac General GG and the B. F. Avery model A tractors. I am quite sure that most of it is accurate. The General GG was made by the Cleveland Tractor Company (Cletrac) of Cleveland, Ohio. Originally the company was called the Cleveland Motor Plow Company which began in 1912, then the Cleveland Tractor Company (1917) and finally Cletrac.
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