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SubjectPosted By
John Deere popcorn popperMary
John Deere sales brochures from the 30'sEd Proceviat
John Deere stick pinDave
John DeerePaul
John deere pedal tractorJake
Kasten Farm equipmentJim Kasten
Kasten farm equipment advertisementsJim Kasten
Kasten implement info.Jim Kasten
Kingman Plow CompanyJohnG(TX)
Kinkade Garden Tractor No. 36L325Patty
Lift quit on MF65DP
Lil' beaver toysHey busdriver
Look old engines from Finland!!Markku Popponen
Looking for brochure dealers....Woodbeef
Looking for Allis Chalmer UC toy tractorJanet Bjork
Looking for IH ads...Tom
Looking for JD snowmobilesDeereonly
Looking for Old IH Planter manual...Tom J.
Looking for a Yoder from the defunct model manufacturing Co.G Taylor
Looking for info,Massey,JD,Oliver old toysWill
Looking for information on Exhaust WhistleBrenda
Looking for john deere tractor cab hood for radio control modelGerard
Looking for logo picCrankshaft
Looking for pair of fordson pliersTony
Looking for pedal tractor infoSandee
MASSEY HARRIS 3 color porcilin dealer signBob
MH 44Modam
MM LogoDean(IA)
MM shuttle shiftBrad
MM tot pedal tractorJeff
Manuals for Italian tractorAmanda Winter
ManualsAlva R. McDowell
March of Machines- web-siteMarch of Machines
Massey Ferguson pedal tractor price?Merle
Massey FergusonEllie
Massey Toronto and Massey Harris postersAllen
Massey colectibles and promotional items (150 ann)Martijn Oortgiese
Massey fergusionWanted m.f. adv. sig
Massey-Ferguson hatsBen Hopkins
McDonald Pitless Scale, mfg. by Moline Plow Co.Bill Anderson
Mcormick deering lye crock any info?Michael
MemorbillaOld fart
Merry Christmas!!!!Big Mike
Michigan Farm License PlatesFarmer Tim *8N15513*
Military useBetty A.
Minneapolis-Moline farm toy booksKerry Lambert
Missing PostsKim
Moline plow co.Roger Bond
Moline plow companyJim
More pedal tractor talkMark
Mowing FastKunz Engineering
Mule drawn equipmentBriar Patch Farms
My favorite bookTom
Mystery caterpillar cast iron toyPete
NEED Massey Ferguson Sales Literature BAD!!!Aaron F from Neb
NEW IDEA Lighted SignsDave
NEW Vintage ImplementsJW
Need Tractor Clip ArtTracy
Need help locating a present for my boyfriendShayna
Need parts for pedal tractorRobert Denger
Neon sign questionsKermit in SW MO
New BoardKim
New Holland Centennial BookTom from Ontario
New WEB site and Forum for Tractor CollectorsTom Mullane
No ignition sparkGene Willoughby
OLD Avery Planter Co. Picture-Peoria ILJenny
Oklahoma Steam Threshers Association new urlThe March of Machine
Old DEERE wrenchJim Ezell
Old AdvertisingTinker
Old Case bookRonm
Old Farmall sales catalogs on ebaySteve
Old Hay Rake and TedderR Murphy
Old Iron links moving;Old Iron links
Old JD manualJohn Holcomb
Old Tape MeasureBecky
Old Wooden Wagon WheelsJim in N M
Old brochures on the net.Jeremy
Old farm wagons- neededDennis
Old issues of Implement TractorCharles
Old john deere manualsC Ortmann
Old massey harris collectablesMassey_fan
Old timey sawmill picMilan D. Radakovic
Old toysDP
Oliver 1655 gasJeff
Oliver Chilled Plow Works Seat...Robin T.
Oliver JackLynn B
Oliver ManualJogg
Oliver Tractor informationTracey
Oliver balerJohn Ne.
Oliver combination plowTed Destatte
Oliver outboardsTom
Oliver pedal tractorJr.
Online JD Memorabilia @ gti-bti.comFarmerjohn
Only one wheel will spin on JD 1020Dave
Original 10-20 Framall Regular Parts book ???Jim M.
Original tools for ford 8n1952ford8n
Out of production decalsGary
Owners ManualWayne
Owners manual for 102 Cub CadetTOM
Parts Places painting ideasJohn
Parts for merry peddle tractor.Norman
Pedal TarctorJustin Kuck
Pedal Tractor Pull SledTony
Pedal Tractor PullerD dude
Pedal Tractor pulling sledsCharles Horner
Pedal TractorWayne
Pedal TractorsRobert Berndt
Pedal catAaron Machado
Pedal tractor (Boy on nose piece)Brad
Pedal tractor pulls/Club infoAlex
Pedal tractor, John DeereJohn Joyce
Pedal tractorKemper
Pedal tractors and Avertising SignsJoe Giordano
Pedal tractors...helpRonda
Pedal tractorsKevin
Peddle tractor value.The A Man
Peddle tractor, IH McCormick Farmall MJennifer Ellis
Phelps Tractor coinJoe Davis
Phillips 66 gas pumpTracy
PhotoMiles Regis
Pics of my small collectionMilan D. Radakovic
Planet Jr WrenchWilliam Powers
Plastic kits of tractorsTanklord
Plow SeatsMatt Wilshusen
Post stampsEef smitshuysen
Posters,tractorFrank j. hodak
Power King/EconomyCharlie
Pre-John Deere Seed Attachment partJoe
Precision 1466Farmall A Man
PriceFire auctions; Selling is freePriceFire auctions
Prices on Toy tractorsTrapper Jr
Ransomes cast iron seatMarv
Rare Heisler pedal TractorsTom Shafer
Replica Price Range,s ???????THEO
Reproduction peddle tractorJ. Marti
Restoring 1946 IHC M lookalike pedal tractallCarl
Restoring farm toysMaplewest
Rock Island plow cast iron seatJR
Rough Value of Bolens TractorMegan Anderson
Sacco Fertilizer memorabiliaKyle
Sales brochureMichael thoma
Sales literature in exchangeBert Bouwhuis
Salesmans sample turning plow/lynchburgJohn
Sattley ImplementSherry Bowman
Scale modelsFamily Tradition
Searching for infoK Wood
Seeking info.on old toy pedal tractorMichelle
Service parts manualMano
Sheppard SD-3 Toy TractorAdam in VA
Sickle Grinder ShowMike
Silver king toyVirg
SitesDouble b
Snow PlowBrandy
Spec-Cast IH 450Fergusonfan
Steering wheel for Farmall pedal tractor?Popeye
Steiger memorabiliaGlenn Moore
Stick pinsTed
Stolen John Deere H tractorTinker
Strike Toy-tractors from ZABernh. Voßen
Summer Farm Toy ShowAndy
Sun Run Engines?Baggsy
Super M ToyD.A.
TO-30 change over from generator to alternatorJ kirby
Tea 20 diecastColin
The J.I.Case Heritage Foundation new urlCaseheritage
The Vintage Farm Ring - No Yahoo ID requiredThe Vintage Farm Rin
Tiger tractorAmertrac
Tire for OliverCal.
Tires for toy IH tractorDwight Pfeiffer
Titan 10-20 in modelGöran Eriksson
Top sitesN/a
Toy tractor mufflerGary
Toy 1950 pick upLeRoy Saveraid
Toy MF Super 90Ron
Toy Tractor PicturesPaul Fox
Toy Tractor TiresDave D
Toy Tractor ValueMike Freeman
Toy Tractor/Farm Implement TiresDiane Unrau
Toy TractorsBob
Toy and collectible item collection - picturesMike
Toy cub cadet partsFarmall Gray
Toy partVan de beek holland
Toy store in Mi closingDisturbed 1066
Toy tractor/combine worth??Haybaler
Toy tractors...any collectors?Bob
Toy tractorsJill
Track s ror 9n ford trackorDanny whitson
Tractor Baby CarriageBackcast
Tractor Mailbox?Misty
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - Antique bowers and misc. spark plugsTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - cast iron tractor seatTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 39 year old Micro Mini pullersTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - Chilean Soda AdvertisingDavis In SC
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - GMDP
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - Stan in FloridaTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - front rims for farmall H pedal tractor?(scale models)Mspuller
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - #25 john Deere combinePaul Hamel
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - '51 or '52 Ford F-2/F-3 MeasurementsTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 'New Idea' Manure Spreader Bar Top TableRwlinfarm
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - (9) New JD Die-Cast Items ListedTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1-16 JD tractorsStan
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/12 Farmall toysFfinmich
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/12th Ford 8000 Front WheelsTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 3088 w/ Loader WagonDieselsbest
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 AC All Crop 60Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 DisplayMitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 Ertl 560WI Dave
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 FFA tractorHappy Deere
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 Ford weightsTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 IH 766Buckeye Oliver colle
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 JD 'D' decalsDCM
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 John Deere 1010Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 John deere custom decalsTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 Scale Combine??Jd2cylman
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 john deeres nib8560s 8870s,8760s,9200s,9300s,Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 scale 1010 John DeereTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 scale JD Model R decalsTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 scale MM ZTUTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 scale gooseneck trailerJohn Harmon
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 scale tractorMark Scholten
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16 tractor partsTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16th IH DecalsAaron
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16th JD 630Buckeye Oliver colle
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/16th Lowboy trailerTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/43 Massey HarrisTractorguy2
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/64 Ertl Production NumbersFarmall82
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/64 scale farm toy questions?IH Tractors
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/64 tractor price guideTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/8 scale tractorHerald h ia
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1/8 scaleSvcummins
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 100 Years of Farm JournalTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1066 Precision Key SeriesTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 135 massey ferguson tractorTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1370 white decalsTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 13th Annual Northwest Binder RoundUpColin Rush
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1456Mitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1710 Ford TractorVicki
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1878 - Farmers' pocket Diary - [plows] - John DeerCheri Cornett
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1888 Farmers Pocket CompanionEarl S.
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1903 John Deere Co. Farmers Pocket CompanionTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1907 IH farm implements retail price listTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1939-? worthington chief golf tractor w/dump bedTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1940 Case Farm Power Machinery Sales CatalogTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1940's ERTL John DeereSanDogDewey
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1940's plastic farmall M toy customizedTractorguy2
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1942 better farming magazineTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1948 milbradt lawnmowerTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1949 Farmall small H pedal tractorTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1949 H pedal tractor with Firestone tiresTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1949 Model A Pedal TractorTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1950's BMC Junior tractorTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1950s john deere 60Maryland deere
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1952 murray pedal tractorTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1954 50 Years on Tracks Caterpillar Book On EbayChad Lankford
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1957 IH Farmall 450 Pedal TractorTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1957 Toro Mower Prime condition still in useTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1962 profits preview desk plaque and tractorTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1977 allis lawn and garden promo kitTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1978 464 International Tractor BrakesTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1985 ST16 3016H tractorTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1989 First case Pedal tractorTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 1;16 John Deere combinesSVcummins
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2 sided lighted porcelin allis signTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2'x3' IH dealer advertising signsTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2010 Starkville MS Farm Toy ShowTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2012 Starkville, MS Farm Toy ShowMitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2012 Starkville, MS Toy Show UpdateMitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2013 Lafayette Farm Toy Show in Indianapolis IndianaTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2013 Starkville, Mississippi Farm Toy ShowTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2014 Starkville, MS Farm Toy ShowTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2015 Starkville, MS Farm Toy ShowMitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2016 Starkville, Mississippi Farm Toy ShowMitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2017 Cleveland, MS Farm Toy ShowMitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2017 Starkville, MS Farm Toy ShowMitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2018 Starkville, MS Farm Toy ShowTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2019 Starkville, Mississippi Farm Toy ShowMitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2150 mfwd tractorTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 24 Great Lakes Tractor Lawn MowerTractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 2418 powerking tractorClint wilson
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 3020 Deluxe Farm Toy Set What is it worthCasetoyman
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 3020/4020 anniversary setSVcummins
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 4-175 Grey StripeKy1650
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 4010 LPMitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 4020 LP #1 - SavedMitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 4020 LPMitchissippi
Tractor Memorabilia Discussion Board - 4450 John Deere with Spray TanksMitchissippi

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Today's Featured Article - Persistence Pays Off - by Sam Grice. About a year ago I was driving down Hwy 36 south of Houston and I saw an old John Deere H sitting in a field with the planters and cultivators still on it. It appeared that it hadn't run in some time, but I stopped and went to the farm house and asked if the tractor was for sale. The lady of the house who answered the door offered no answer, but said that she would talk to her husband and have him call me. I figured he was away at the time. Well I heard from him the next day, and he procee ... [Read Article]

Latest Ad: 1964 I-H 140 tractor with cultivators and sidedresser. Starts and runs good. Asking 2650. CALL RON AT 502-319-1952 [More Ads]

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