Re: Re: Re: Ferguson 6V coil -TEA20
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Posted by Jim WI on August 21, 1998 at 11:06:06:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Ferguson 6V coil -TEA20 posted by Jay Cunningham on August 20, 1998 at 17:54:19:
: Thanks for the feedback. Another strange thing I noticed in working with the tractor tonight. When the starter cranks, there is only a faint spark visible off the coil wire as I ground it against the block. There is no spark noticeable when I do the same thing with a plug wire. I also do not see any sign of a spark when I put a n inductive timing light pickup around the coil or spark plug wire. when the tractor is running the light picks up well on all the wires. Another strange thing is that the tractor will not catcth when the starter is cranking. It only catches when I let go of the starter switch. Shouldn't I get the same spark during starting? The faint spark could be an indication that: 1) the points are not closing for long enough to fully energize the coil 2) the coil resistor is too high of a value 3) the coil itself is damaged When cranking the starter, the battery voltage drops which makes any problem with spark intensity worse. What did you measure for the voltage at the resistor with the tractor off and the points closed?
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