Subject | Posted By |
- pressurized or non-pressurized radiator? | Bmagee |
- priming 460 | Huskers86 |
- progress on the Colby560... dash, chrome levers, installed! | Colby64 |
- pullin 560 d sleeves | Tn terry t |
- pulling a ih 770 5/16 plow on land???? is it possible? | SkiDoojunky |
- putting my H to work Lots of Pics! | Hoof print |
- question from a newbie | Rusty ol ranger |
- quick attach | Benjamin ka |
- quick hitch | Johnald |
- quick release muffler clamp? | Mike CA |
- rad cleaner | W bowley |
- radiator cap | James K |
- radiator shutter control rod - part #60838DR | Bmagee |
- radiator shutter help | Bmagee |
- range of possibilities - 674 high range issues | Tipper |
- re powering a B-275? | IHTinAust |
- real good driveway degreaser? | Mike CA |
- rear remote lines for a 300u | Neilc |
- rear wheels for '37 F-20 | Mike Dau |
- regular parts | Fireman18 |
- remember the guy?? | Dave2 |
- remote possibilities on 674 | Tipper |
- removing loader from FarmaLl H | Bartspouse |
- renting a two inch pipe threader? | Mike CA |
- replacement Carbs | Csmeyers |
- replacement rims for my 560... help guys. | Colby64 |
- reworked website for german made farmalls | Dave2 |
- rigged a back blade or the supper C (pix) | Larry in GA. |
- rims | Howard Junkin |
- rust inhibiting coolant? | Mike CA |
- sadfarmall were you gassing up in Melbourne last night? | JRSutton |
- saginaw on a 560 farmall | Tn terry t |
- salvage yards | Rtb321 |
- schwarts wide fdront | Howard Junkin |
- search function failing me super A suffix numbers | Outlar |
- seat time on my H over the weekend (pics) | Stemmy |
- setting injector pump timing | 460guy |
- sflem849 - WD9 parts on ebay | Tom Fleming |
- sheet metal against sheet metal | Wilks54 |
- sickle mower info | Freefour |
- simplified wiring for IH 656 | GwenI |
- sparkplugs | Mark20 |
- speaking of a 656 | Tn terry t |
- speedi-sleeve for 300 live pump | Mkirsch |
- speeking of a super c | Tn terry t |
- splitting a Farmall M | 47farmallM |
- staarted right up | Realolman |
- starting in cold weather, and snow questions. | Idaho Ron |
- starting the process... 560 | Colby64 |
- starts AFTER cranking | Realolman |
- steering clutch | Tcrawford17233 |
- steering ram slop on 574 | Jeef |
- steering | Howard Junkin |
- storage | Oldtanker |
- stuck in low range | John *.?-!.* cub own |
- super A steering box | Merlynr |
- super H camahaft | Homebuilt |
- super M engine kit | JDBert |
- super WD6 issues | Stovepipe |
- super c points gap? | John_PA |
- super c farmall touch control ???? | Bodid1998 |
- super c question | Bodid1998 |
- super c side dresser part ??? | Bodid1998 |
- super h oil pan | Wellsy |
- super h pushrod | Huskers86 |
- super h | Wellsy |
- super m dyno #'s | Rtb321 |
- super m engine temp | Rtb321 |
- super m hydraulic question | Rtb321 |
- super m hydraulics (1953) | Lyle |
- swapping a PTO assembly between Super Cs | NoNewParts |
- swather international | L D |
- swhartz IH wide front | Howard Junkin |
- take a look at ebay 400169692964 | Tom Fleming |
- tank type connection? | Tn terry t |
- the "new-to-me" 130 ;) | Caspermj |
- the h is jumping | Tn terry t |
- the pics from "clueless on a farmall tractor" | Blksvt04 |
- thinking about buying another H | Pat-CT |
- this might be a dumb question | Tn terry t |
- three position light switch | Tn terry t |
- throttle not working after dash tear down | Veener79 |
- tires for a 41 farmall A | Idaho Ron |
- tires | DanR |
- tn terry t & Smith1000 answers | GA Dave |
- tomorrow we start Colby 560, the checklist to finish | Colby64 |
- toolbar parts for a super a and other things | Grizzthebear |
- torque settings | 47farmallM |
- touch control pics | P and R Pete |
- towing a 1066? | Skippy88 |
- tractor fenders | Steve il |
- tractor restoration option | Al L. in Wisc. |
- tractor weight for IH 3414 | Klondik0er |
- transmi ss ion inter change between utility 300 no t/a to | Sallystractor |
- two questions | Tn terry t |
- uhhh, what is that hole? | Mike CA |
- un vented gas cap | Realolman |
- uni lug wheels | Tn terry t |
- use 56 planter seed box bottoms on 800 plate | MARKS87 |
- valve guide removal c-135 | TheFixer83 |
- valve stem recall | John *.?-!.* cub own |
- w-4 carburetor = oop's | Homebuilt |
- w-4 with knock, need suggestions | Homebuilt |
- w450 fluid capacity questions | |
- war time shift knobs | Mike CA |
- warped pressure plate? | P and R Pete |
- weight of #8 2-bottom on steel | Mkirsch |
- welding farmall sheet metal - UPDATE | Mkirsch |
- welding farmall sheet metal | Mkirsch |
- well durn that 230 is slowwwwwww | Tn terry t |
- what Ya'll been up to? | Gary in Mozarks |
- what is procedure to install disc brakes on super m ? | Sad sack |
- what is the best tractor umbrella to get? | Colby64 |
- what size hydraulic pump to get?? | Homebuilt |
- what to know about a 656G | Tn terry t |
- what's it take to convert fast hitch to 3 point? | Realolman |
- what's the nicest route?? | Dave2 |
- wheel bearing crossumber? | Tn terry t |
- wheel or industrial guys | Kmcgee |
- wheel weights attatchment | Realolman |
- which car/truck had a 1 wire alt? Going junkyard hunting... | John_PA |
- which plow? | Karl f |
- why wisconsin? | Karl f |
- wide front end | James K |
- will it work ? will it hold up? | Tn terry t |
- wiring diagram link | John *.?-!.* cub own |
- wiring diagram on H | Bmagee |
- wiring schematic for an IH 140 | AL Tractor Pickers |
- wobblin' wheel | ADLM |
- wooden ihc hand corn sheller (lots of pictures) | Zach in neb |
- wore out 560 steering u-joints | Tn terry t |
- ya never know what you will find in a motor | NoNewParts |
- yard tractor advice | Stovepipe |
- yeah but | Farmallb |
- Заработок для мам и домохозяек | Vepjeofffew |
--------- Good or Bad Oil? --------- | Deutsch |
----------------------- OIL?! ------------------------- | Deutsch |
-h- serial number | Mr foote |
......................Cub..................... | Deutsch |
..........tractor show joke ?? | MJD |
..... | Why are john deere p |
...and this doohicky | Scott Hansen |
.COM | KX |
.Wardner | Red Man |
/????/ | Daddy |
0 4's | Dale in MN |
0-12 need help | Rob |
0-12 timing | Rob |
0-4 International | William Simmons |
0-6 Question | Farrol |
0-6 wheels reversable? | Tom Thal |
04 charging system | Terry |
04 serial plate, hoses etc. were they painted at factory?? | Terry |
04-harold | Jakee |
06 and 56 series gas/diesel good/bad? | Michael |
06 series top tranny plate-has any one used one of these | Mark |
06-56 Front Wheel Drive | Dan H. |
0656 Series IH | Brad |
1 PT sickle mower connection help | Dean |
1 Week until the 2002 Red Power Roundup | John (C-IL) |
1 Wire Alternator? | Jmyt_47 |
1 point fast hitch | Robert In Va |
1 pt disk plow | Laura |
1,000,000 Farmall | FarmallAMan |
1-F-11 plow | Big man |
1-point disk any good??? | Chad |
1-point fast hitch | Mike Farmall |
1/2 full-1/2 empty?? | PLOWBOY |
1/8 scale Super H | Chris J |
10 20 Gas Tank | Rick |
10 20 Gas tank | Rick |
10 20 PTO | Mark Foster |
10 20 connecting rods | Ronohio |
10 20 engine rebuild | Ron Ohio |
10 20 parts - Larry | Ron Wiita |
10 20 parts | Chuck Kaufman |
10 20 wheels | Chuck Kaufman |
10 20 | Rick |
10 Days until the 2002 Red Power Roundup | John (C-IL) |
10 hours of running. Found tiny metal particles in the oil on the H. | The Red, John Fritz |
10 hp flywheel engine | Chuck ore |
10 of Joy The Deed | GRM |
10 of Joy | Scotty |
10-10 McCormick Deering tractor | JAck |
10-20 Serial No. | Redfan |
10-20 gear shift positions+hi-lo | |
10-20 - How did they stay cool. | RJ |
10-20 1917 Titan paint color | James |
10-20 CARB | MATT |
10-20 Carb. | Randal Simmon |
10-20 Carb | Jim T |
10-20 Color | Tony |
10-20 FAN BELT | |
10-20 Farmall | Erick S |
10-20 McCormick Deering parts | Larry |
10-20 McCormick Deering | Jim Robertson |
10-20 McCormick-Deering | Paul Hnatiuk |
10-20 Oil can-that came with | |
10-20 Orchard? | Chuck Kaufman |
10-20 PTO shaft | Bill |
10-20 Paint-Charcoal | |
10-20 REGULAR Original Parts Book??? | Jim M. |
10-20 Serial # location? | Cory Vellinga |
10-20 and 15-30 Serial numbers? | Andrew |
10-20 belt | Dave |
10-20 block, whats it worth | 04 terry |
10-20 clutch | Montana Daniel |
10-20 color | Warren |
10-20 crawler | Montana Dan |
10-20 does any one have one fitted with PTO | Oldtime |
10-20 engine also used in? | Bill |
10-20 engine rebuild question forBOB KERR | |
10-20 engine removal????? | Greg szemborski |
10-20 engine side covers numbers | Joe moore |
10-20 engine | Judd |
10-20 exhaust manifold | Stanley j. |
10-20 fenders | Mark Nier |
10-20 head bolt torque | Greg |
10-20 head needed | Patrick |
10-20 info | Will@ont,ca |
10-20 kills under load - carb. or timing? | Loren |
10-20 mccormick deering value | Nateman |
10-20 mccormick | Nateman |
10-20 oil leak | Bob |
10-20 on steel | Redroger |
10-20 or 15-30 | Jeremy |
10-20 paint for steel wheels | Chuck |
10-20 paint | Ed |
10-20 parts | Ed |
10-20 pistons | Cookie |
10-20 question | Terry |
10-20 serial # | Randall |
10-20 serial# | Austin |
10-20 set on kerosene | Frank |
10-20 throttle linkage-Bob Kerr | |
10-20 throttle/govenor linkage Bob Kerr | |
10-20 tire sizes | James Williams |
10-20 v. 15-30 | Newly Red |
10-20/W30 parts incherchange | David Saville |
10-20/w-30 help | K C Bob |
10-20/w30 | KC Bob |
10-20 | Tord Karlsson |
10/20 HELP | Mark Foster |
10/20 Radiator core | Chuck Ore. |
10/20 carb. | 10/20 oil filter | Chuck |
10/20 steering wheel | Peter |
10/20 | Chuck |
10/25 McComick - Deering | Gary |
100 HP Internationals | Bama Binder |
100 emblems clips | |
100 hydro | Gary |
100 international and A what is difference | Ray adams |
100 series or lawlor ???????? | Jason |
100, 1000,or 1300 balenced head mower | Keith theobald |
100-inch tread rear axles | K.B. |
1000 Loader Questions | Danny |
1000 RPM PTO on IH tractors | JD |
1006 Wedge Locks...Again | Red Rookie |
100th Anniversary | Phil (VA) |
101 gas combine engine | Michael Earnest |
101 mccormick thrasher | Allen carelock |
1020 Mc Deering- check this out!!! | Big john- message re |
1020 McCoormick Deering original What's it worth? | Thomas J. Nelson |
1020 McCormick Deering | Dave |
1020 PULLY SEAL | BottomD |
1020 gray or red ? | Robert |
1020 kicking back | Joe De Ketrel |
1020 mccormic-deering | George |
1020 rod bearing | Joe DeKeyrel |
1020 tank | Joe De Keyrel |
1020 tractor colors | Cturngren |
1020 | Overlandwagontim |
1020McC.Deer. | Dave |
1026 Hydrostatic tranny | Curt |
1026 hydro?????? | Jeremy |
1026 | Wayne |
1040D | Larry |
1047 Farmall B | Lon |
105 IH combine | John |
1050-A Loader | Chuck Kaufman |
1060 farmall | Tom O'Dowd |
1066 - First gear noise | Mitchissippi |
1066 0r 1466 | Farmer D |
1066 4wd for tommyW | Pat H |
1066 4wd | Pat H. |
1066 Charging Problem | Mark |
1066 Dual Wheels | Randy |
1066 HYDRAULIC FILTER | Mitch - MS |
1066 Hydro Question | Scotty |
1066 Hydro | Elmer |
1066 Implements | Louie |
1066 Kill Switch. | Greg H. |
1066 Muffler Removal | Mitchissippi |
1066 Oil in the radiator | Phil |
1066 Progress Report | Mitchissippi |
1066 Range transmission | Richard Rahmier |